10 Quotes & Sayings By Da Rhine

Dr. D.A. Rhine is considered by many as the father of parapsychology, the study of extra-sensory perception and psychic phenomena. He was born August 18, 1906 in Chicago, Illinois Read more

He received a Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1929 and became a professor of Psychology at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina in 1932. In 1953 he coined the term 'parapsychology' and founded his Center for Parapsychology at Duke University, where he remained until his retirement in 1975.

When her gaze landed upon his lips, he scooted closer and brushed his mouth over hers. Fire ignited low in his belly and desire coursed through his veins. No doubt, his John Thomas was doing all the thinking; he knew he should listen to the head between his shoulders, the one telling him this was a mistake, but the one between his legs was more insistent. D.A. Rhine
Wouldn’t you like to believe you’re the center of someone’s universe? To feel so special that the rest of the world didn’t matter and it could all wait? What would you be willing to pay for that - any time you needed to feel that way? D.A. Rhine
Hey lady.” Sandy wrapped her arms around Darcy’s neck and kissed her cheek quickly. “So, are we burning anything of his in some occult ritual that will curse him and all his unborn children till the end of their days, or are we just going to key his car? D.A. Rhine
In all of the possible scenarios Kian had envisioned, encountering a lunatic had not been one of them. It just showed him that he could never be completely prepared. D.A. Rhine
Then, in a whisper, Sam said, “I met someone else.” Just like that, Darcy's world melted and distorted into something she no longer recognized. His words hung like poison in the air, and she held her breath, afraid to breathe it in. D.A. Rhine
Perhaps it was because his life as a human had been so happy and his life since becoming a vampire had been so lonely that Kian clung to any shred of humanity left in him. D.A. Rhine
It's beautiful here, " Rees murmured, watching the light play upon the water before returning his gaze to her. Mrs. Hollingsworth, his newest client, turned to him and forced a stiff smile. "Yes, money can buy all kinds of beautiful things, " she said without a hint of emotion. D.A. Rhine
Rachel shook her head, as if casting out the memories from her mind. Something he'd been unable to do in one hundred and ninety-eight years. Memories, painful and stark, failed to retreat, instead they clung to him like a Rottweiler to a bone. D.A. Rhine
You drank my blood." With one arched brow, Rachel seared Rees with her stare." Yes, but only because he commanded it. D.A. Rhine